This is the start


As I’m putting the finishing touches on this website - my website (!) - I am thinking about what a step this is for me. Six months ago, the idea that I would have my own business was a pipe dream. Something I said I would do some day, in the future, always in the future. And now it’s here!

I’m so proud and excited to share something I’m passionate about. The artist part of me continues to repeat that it’s not good enough - you’re not there yet - you still have so much to learn. And I do! But the past few months have made me realize that time is passing, whether or not I’m working towards this future goal of mine, and I need to put it out there and see what sticks; I need to see what brings me joy from this to grow not only as an artist, but also as a person in control of something. I can make this whatever I want it to be! There are no expectations! It’s freeing and wonderful and for my own sanity, I am so glad I am here. I do wish I could snap my fingers and 2000 photos would be edited in a second, but that aside, this little project has opened up (re-opened?) a whole new world of learning for me.

A few words to those friends who I mentioned this little seed of an idea to back in December - thank you. Thank you a thousand times over for believing in me, supporting and encouraging me, and connecting me with people and opportunities I would never have had without you. I am forever grateful, and from this I know I have surrounded myself with the best people - my people. Thank you for being cheerleaders, teachers, and - frequently - models. I love you and I love this and I am so excited to be here!