And That's a Wrap on 2020
Whew! We made it! Here we are at the end of the weirdest year yet, and it’s worth taking a look at what went right this year since so much went wrong. Here are a few positives I am taking away from 2020:
This baby. While pregnancy was relatively easy for me, her birth was not. But she’s here and healthy and brings us so much joy every single day. If you had a similar birth (long labor that ended in a c-section) and need someone to talk to about it, reach out. Talking to other mamas who had gone through similar experiences is what helped me the most.
2. The health of my family and friends. I feel like this goes without saying at this point, but I am thankful every day that the vast majority of the people I love have remained healthy this year.
3. Business is good (part 1). Photography definitely kept me sane and feeling human this year. I have had a job (or jobs) consistently since I was 14, and I was definitely getting paid to much stalls and ride horses before that. Even during study abroad I worked ‘bursary’ in the kitchen at the University of Melbourne so I could afford to be there. So it was super weird to be on maternity leave, having nothing to do but take care of a screaming baby while my nipples felt like they had had sandpaper rubbed on them and my swollen feet hurt too much to even go for a walk. The Front Steps Project came at exactly the right time - almost two weeks after Liv arrived - and gave me the opportunity to feel human again. I was more than just a new mom; I still had an identity aside from that, and as it turns out, that little creative seed grew so much this year! I love learning everything I can about how to take better photos, edit in different ways, and make the experience better for my clients. So a huge thank you to all of those people who asked me to take photos of you and your families this year; it was an absolute pleasure and you’ve helped me realize a dream.
3. Business is good (part 2). My day job is in commercial air filtration, so you know after the year we had, this business did not suffer. I am so grateful that on top of all the health concerns, no one that my dad and uncle employed had to worry about losing their job because we couldn’t afford to keep the business open. The company covered 100% of healthcare for employees for a period and was able to continue paying people who had to take leave for covid-related reasons. It was a HELL of a busy season since our fiscal year end is October 31st (prime photo session time), but we made it.
4. Sweats and leggings are OK pretty much all the time, which is good because I can only fit into two pairs of pre-pregnancy pants that I own.
5. I learned how to prioritize better. I’m not going to say I’m a master here - I can still mindlessly scroll instagram for a good 20 minutes while I could be reading a book or showering or editing. But I have definitely gotten better at putting the important things first, and learning when I need to lean into one aspect of my life over another. My therapist (hey, Tina!) has certainly helped me with this, plus I have a few people in my life who are great at it that I can watch and learn from.
That’s all I’ve got for now, so I’m gonna go pour myself a glass of wine and settle in for zoom music trivia. As I’ve written to many of you, here’s to a 2021 filled with more friends, family, and hugs.